Class Assignment for Close Relationships Students

On your chosen days, you will post to our blog page by 5 PM the night before the class, so that other students have time to read it before class the next day. Your blog post should be written in the style of a popular press magazine that draws the reader in and makes them want to know more about the topic. Think of yourself as a science writer who is trying to pull out the most interesting points from a scientific article. It is important to convince readers why they should care about the topic and to highlight the practical significance of the work that you discuss. One caution: as you write in an engaging way, be sure that you are correctly representing research on the topic. It is important to make the research relevant without telling more than we can know from the current findings. Feel free to stop by my office hours if you have questions about this. You should bring in the readings from class that day plus information from at least two additional papers. Blog posts should be approximately 500 words or less and citations should be either in APA format using in text citations or footnotes (to make the reading more fluid). On the day that we discuss the readings related to your post, you should be prepared to share your take on the readings with the class. You can choose one of four types of posts including: Relationships and Pop Culture, Fact Checker, Hot Topic, and Q&A. Happy writing!

-Prof. Tomlinson